Wiki source code of How to Create a VirtualEnv

Last modified by Leon Poon on 2021/03/23 13:16

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Leon Poon 1.1 1 In a console, [[change directory>>url:]] to the parent directory where you want the virtual env to be.
Leon Poon 2.1 3 Make sure [[the virtualenv tool is installed>>doc:Computing Newbies.Python Newbies.How to Install virtualenv tool in Debian, Raspbian, etc.WebHome]].
Leon Poon 1.1 4
5 In the console, run:
7 {{code}}
8 virtualenv -p $(which python3) your_venv_dir_name_here
9 {{/code}}
11 (Make sure you replace your_venv_dir_name_here with the desired name.)